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Exercise 8A - Expression Dependency: Multiple Time Windows

  1. Create a Global Property call [[FAKETIME]] with a value of 0.

  2. Create a Schedule named MULTIPLE TIME WINDOWS that contains a Job with three Time windows.

    • Use the [[FAKETIME]] Global Property that will allow us to manually update the Time.
    • Between 2 and 5 am
    • Between 11 am and 2 pm
    • Between 5 and 8 pm
  3. Build the Schedule.

  4. Verify that the Job did not run.

  5. Update the Property to 03.

  6. Verify that the Job ran.

  7. Update the Property to 07.

  8. Restart the Job.

  9. Verify that the Job is waiting.

  10. Update the Property to 12.

  11. Verify that the Job ran again.

  12. Update the Property to 15.

  13. Restart the Job, and make sure it is waiting.

  14. Update the Property to 18 and make sure the Job ran.

  15. Update the Property to 22.

  16. Restart the Job and make sure that it is not running.

    • In the real world, a Latest Start Time would be used.